Jamboree Heights Out of School Hours Care (JHOSHC) is a P&C operated service which operates from within the school grounds and can provide care to all students of JHSS, both before and after school hours.
JHOSHC utilises many wonderful play spaces throughout the school to accommodate the 100+ children who engage with our service each day. We employ a diverse range of talented educators with a range of qualifications who provide the highest quality of education and care to children who attend.
JHOSHC offers a wealth of activities and programs, including structured craft activities, clubs, outdoor experiences, sports & physical education and senior's program, all aimed at ensuring that children are given a safe space to play, learn and grow.
Attendance at this facility is subject to completion of an enrolment form.
Enrolment forms, Fees & Pricing, Family Handbooks, our program and more information about our service can be found on our website External link.
Hours of operation
Before School Care (BSC): 6:30AM – 8:45AM
After School Care (ASC): 3:00PM – 6:30PM
Vacation Care (VAC): 6:30AM – 6:30PM
Management Staffed Hours: 7:00AM – 4:30PM*
Preps & Year 1's are escorted to and from school each day, while Year's 2 to 6 are released at 8:40AM for school and are expected to make their own way to OSHC.
*Please note that JHOSHC closes for a 2 weeks during the Christmas & New Year period.

JHOSHC operates a jam packed program that offers exciting opportunities each day for children of all ages. The service operates regular, weekly clubs that offer unique learning experiences, as well as a variety of other programmed activities. These include Loose Parts Play, Crafts, Competitions, Group Games, Building & Construction, Drama & Dance and much more.
JHOSHC also operates a holiday program during each school holiday period with imaginative theme days and fun-packed excursions catering for all age groups. Vacation Care programs are usually available 5 weeks prior to the holidays.
All of this and more is available from our Program page on our website here External link.

Service details
Nominated Supervisors & Coordinators: Kim Ramsay & Razia Musa
Phone: (07) 3725 5659
Mobile: 0432 079 431
General Enquiries: enquiries@jhoshc.com.au
Management: management@jhoshc.com.au