P&C of Jamboree Heights State School is a group of parents who are focussed
on supporting school programs, raising funds and managing programs run through
sub-committees and focus groups. The P&C is increasingly dovetailing its
activities with the school to optimise planning and development efforts for the
benefit of our students. Furthermore, we are focused on continuing to build
community connections and a positive culture within the school.
Many parents volunteer their support
for the school in various ways. The P&C is a group through which many of
these activities can be channelled. If you believe you have only limited time
or particular areas you can offer support, please approach the P&C to get
best use of your valued and valuable time and skills.
The P&C meets on the third Monday
of the month during school Terms unless otherwise advised. Our AGM is held in
In order
for the P&C Association to provide the additional resources and facilities
that benefit all the students, volunteers assist in numerous ways. We believe
“many hands make light work” and are happy to accept any assistance we can get,
1 hour at an event during the year, every little bit helps.
Some of the
amazing social and fundraising events to keep an eye out for include:
- School discos
- Fete and Jazz & Art night held on alternating years
- Sports Carnival Sausage Sizzles
- Annual music concerts
- Cup cake days
- Mother's Day and Father's Day celebrations
How can you be
may choose to become involved in a number of different ways:
- Attend monthly meetings
- Assist with fundraising activities
- Pay the P & C family contribution scheme levy
- Volunteer in the tuckshop or uniform shop
- Donate goods to the tuckshop
- Help with grant writing
- Join the sports, music or chaplaincy sub committees
more information about tuckshop, uniform shop, outside of school hours care and
fundraising events please visit the P&C website.
With the clear benefits of
the use of social networks in recent events we have experienced, the P&C
have decided to keep up with the technology race and create our own FACEBOOK
page. It’s a great way to access all of the latest information and reminders
from the P&C. It can be accessed